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Vibratory Feeder Bowls

From Feed Bowls To Sound Enclosures, We Design and Build It All

Mid-State Automation, Inc. in Cloverdale, Indiana, provides dependable feed systems, including sound enclosures and solid state controllers, for companies in various industries like automotive, agriculture, electronics, medical, pharmaceutical, and more. We build other parts as well, including hoppers, machine bases and tables, and escapements. Our turnaround time on repairing your feeders and other parts is quick and reliable. For your convenience, we offer repair services either in our facility or we can come to you.

Feed Bowls

The basic dimensions of our feed bowls are 6" to 48" and are hand-crafted from 11 ga. stainless steel for the required orientation and rate per minute. Our feed bowl options include:
• 18 Coating and Linings for Bowl and Part Protection
• Glass Bead Finish, Which Is Standard
• Machined Discharges and Part Sorting Selectors
• Multiple Track Discharges
• Quick Dump Window for Reducing Part Change Over Time

Bowl and Track

Gravity and Vibratory Storage Tracks

Storage Tracks – Vibratory and Gravity Fed

We offer two basic styles in part storage tracks, a vibrating powered horizontal feeding track or a down angle gravity feed type, that range from 6" to 60" long. Our storage track options include a track full sensor which turns the bowl on and off as required; or a low track sensor which stops the machine operation to allow part infeed problem correction. All parts being fed are pre-orientated in the feed bowl.